Mountain of Doom
Mountain of Doom follows the adventures Yoshi and Shiro, two friends who encounter the undead disturbing a small village on Kyushu. However, things are not what they seem and perhaps the undead aren't as evil as the living?
First Print Edition SIgned By Artist
32 PAGES - #28 Paper - COLOR
$24.99 (US) or $34.99 (INTERNATIONAL) Shipping and Handling not included.
Subterraneans tells the story of David Bowie and Iggy Pop in Berlin in 1977. After personal and financial implosions, both men decide to isolate themselves in a foreign place and embark on producing the most daring art of their careers. Using both biographical and abstract storytelling, Shane explores themes of friendship, artistic struggle and mental health, surrounded by the backdrop of decadent Berlin in the 1970's.
First Print Edition SIgned By Artist
$24.99 (US) or $29.99 (INTERNATIONAL) Shipping and Handling included, thus the difference in price.
Click here to read John's Bio John Shane
John Shane is a Ukrainian born artist who has been active in the Chicago art scene for over 25 years. After his parents saw potential in art from the early age of 5, they sent him to a local art school where he took classes throughout most of his adolescence. He continued his art education into high school where he attended the prestigious Chicago Academy for the Arts. He then went on to Northern Illinois University where he majored in Painting and received a BA in Fine Art. Throughout the years his work has run the gamut between naturalistic work to abstract work and everything in between. This extremely eclectic aesthetic mirrors his interest in a wide variety of styles and subject matter. He has shown in many galleries and spaces around Chicago, including commercial businesses and corporate offices.